Posing in Maya

Posing in Maya was very time consuming because of having to render the work afterwards. I noticed that the green grass would take a lot longer to render than any other part. 

These are the poses I created. The first being a shy type of pose, as if a stranger has spoken to them for the first time.
 This second pose I created as if she was moody, or annoyed at something that has just occurred to her. 
 The third pose I created was a more... obscure pose. I created her as if she'd just been killed by something. 
 The sass pose was my favourite because it made me laugh with the 'who are you?' type attitude, and this was the most fun to create.
 Lastly, this was probably my best pose which truly showed that i was improving after every model. I thought about her dying in my 3rd pose, so I was wondering how she could've died and, well, she fell.


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