Creating a Brochure for Emirates

At my workplace I was set the task of creating a brochure for Emirates, the flight company, from a basic template they gave me on a word document. 
I used PhotoShop to create the design, and although it isn't the most flash-y piece of work, it needed to be kept simple as that is the Emirates style. I added a few more ideas to keep it interesting rather than just text on across the page. 

Although this isn't my best work, because it doesn't show off what I can do as much, I wanted to share it because I thought it was important, as it's big company which I had to create the day I was given the brief. It was a good experience to work alongside an Emirates representative to achieve what we wanted, as it was back and forth between my ideas and what they had in mind.

 Even though this isn't animation, I still love the design side and would be happy to create more in the future.


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